Josef Chromy Wines

Tasmania | Northern Tasmania

Our Review

Josef Chromy escaped from Czechoslovakia in '50, arriving in Tasmania ‘with nothing but hope and ambition’. He went on to own or develop such well-known Tasmanian wine brands as Rochecombe (now Bay of Fires), Jansz, Heemskerk and Tamar Ridge. In ‘07, aged 76, Josef launched Josef Chromy Wines. The foundation of the business is the Old Stornoway vineyard, with 60ha of mature vines. Talented and hard-working winemaker Jeremy Dineen handed over the reins to his capable offsider Ockie Myburgh in January ‘21. In April ’22, the brand was acquired by Paragon Wine Estates, which is part of the Woolworths-owned Endeavour Group. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Pinot noir, chardonnay, pinot gris

Cellar Door


7 days 10–5

Details are correct at time of writing

Please check winery website for up to date details


Winemaker Ockie Myburgh
Viticulturalist Kellie Graham
Region Northern Tasmania
Address 370 Relbia Road, Relbia, Tas 7258
Established 2004
Dozens 40 000
Vineyards (area) 60 ha
Opening Hours 7 days 10–5
Telephone (03) 6335 8700