Vinea Marson

Victoria | Heathcote

Our Review

Owner-winemaker Mario Marson spent many years as the winemaker/viticulturist with the late Dr John Middleton at the celebrated Mount Mary. Mario has over 35 years of experience in Australia and overseas, having undertaken vintages at Isole e Olena in Tuscany and Piedmont and at Domaine de la Pousse d’Or in Burgundy, where he was inspired to emulate the multi-clonal wines favoured by these producers, pioneered in Australia by John Middleton. In '99 he and his wife, Helen, purchased the Vinea Marson property on the eastern slopes of the Mt Camel Range. They have planted shiraz and viognier, plus Italian varieties of sangiovese, nebbiolo, barbera and refosco dal peduncolo. Marson also sources northeastern Italian varietals from Porepunkah in the Alpine Valleys. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Vinea Marson logo
Winemaker Mario Marson
Viticulturalist Mario Marson
Region Heathcote
Address 411 Heathcote-Rochester Road, Heathcote, Vic 3523
Established 2000
Dozens 2500
Vineyards (area) 7.12 ha
Opening Hours W’ends 12–5
Telephone 0430 312 165